2 Chronicles 7:14 Commentaries:

Sunday, March 6, 2016

An Excellent Plan!

Trumps healthcare plan
An Excellent Plan!

If you are planning on voting for Donald Trump or Bernie Sanders in November, you should know about their plans for you the next four years? 

The main reason why congress, the insurance companies, the super-Pac's and their lobbyist, hate President Barrack Obama, is the fact that he, our president, has been trying, without the help of congress, to get each one of their plans in writing from congress, so that he can vote those very same plans into law!

Congress that not, is not and will never, pass those plans into a bill for any president to sign and for sure not from two male Chauvinistic Bullies!

Hillary has proven time and time again that she can and is willing to work with congress and working with her plan, the same plan as Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders and our president only she can do this with a woman's finesse.

Donald Trumps 19 point plan for America and his 7 point healthcare plan are just like the plan of that

Independent, Socialist, Democratic, Senator from Vermont, Bernie Sanders,

"A Pie in the Sky.

read about the Donald's plans for yourself, after a few explanations as to why the plans will not float in a Vermont/ New York winter pond.

Each plan will depend on getting the millionaires and billionaires in congress to go along with the plans.

Trump comes out with extraordinary 7-point healthcare reform plan

March 6, 2016

If you read this plan and do not wonder who, what and how?

Donald Trump’s formula

19 points to make America great again.

Sell junk to Saudi Arabia, since the goods we send them are blown up anyway;

Repeal Obamacare “and replace it with something that benefits everybody”;

“Turn off that spigot” of sending money to China (in the form of debt payments) by taxing them “until they behave properly”;

Renegotiate our foreign trade deals;

Call up the head of the Ford Motor Company and tell them they are going to be taxed at 35 percent for every car coming from Mexico until they decide to nix their plant in Mexico City;

End President Barack Obama's executive actions on immigration;

End border crossings from Mexico because some of those border-crossers are “rapists”;

To do that, build a “great, great wall” on the U.S.-Mexico border;

Have Mexico pay for that wall;

Don’t appoint a secretary of state who rides bikes and breaks his leg;

Avoid riding bikes himself;

Work hard on the Islamic State problem;

Stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons;

Find the General Patton or General MacArthur from within the U.S. armed forces to “make it really work” in the Middle East;

Rebuild the country's infrastructure -- “nobody can do that like me";

Create jobs -- “I will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created”;

Save Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security “without cuts”;

Protect the Second Amendment;

Take the brand of the United States “and make it great again.”

It is too bad that Governor Mitt Romney is such a loser because he did 'hit the nail on the head' with his assessment of the Donald.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Centereach New York

Welcome Centereach New York
Sachem Speaks
By way of
Sachem Uncas
By way of
Tahtonkah (Tah's 2nd website, about uniting our people on tripod).

In your travels on the internet to find our people, you followed us from California (Tahtonkah), to Connecticut (Uncasvillage), to our retirement home in (Central Florida), Sachemspeaks.

Relocate Congress to Guantánamo

Executive Order Relocate Congress to Guantánamo

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—

Photograph by Pete Souza / The White House

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Making good on one of his key campaign promises, President Obama signed an executive order on Tuesday relocating the United States Congress to Guantánamo Bay, Cuba.

The President seemed to relish signing the order, calling the relocation a “win-win for America,” and indicating that Congress could be moved to its new headquarters “immediately.”

“We don’t envision doing any renovations to the facility down there,” he said. “It is ready to house Congress right now.”

The President did not specify what the current U.S. Capitol building would be used for in the future, but he hinted that it could be the setting for historic reënactments in the manner of Colonial Williamsburg.

“I think it could be fascinating to school groups,” he said. “It could really take them back to the olden days when it was a real, functioning place.”

Minutes after the President signed the order, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) called it “an outrage” and “grounds for impeachment,” but Obama appeared to take such howls of protest in stride.

“If Congress believes that this executive order is illegal, they can take it up with the Supreme Court,” he said. “Oh wait—we don’t have a Supreme Court.”

Saturday, February 20, 2016

On tis site

On this web site are some of my thoughts on:
Sachem Uncas, the Storey Clan or my Mohegan family,
Histories of Eastern Woodland, Long Island and Mohegan people,
my hometown of Uncasville and the Villages of Uncas in the 1600's,
the world as I see it, or a page of Commentary,
the true meaning of Spirituality to a Native and
a few Alternative Energy ideas now that the rest of the
world is starting to respect Mother Earth as we always have.
This new page is in answer to the many who have written
asking me about the meaning of the word Aquine.
As for the apology from Kevin Gover and the BIA,
my ancestors, my grandfather and I thank you
for coming forward after all of these years.
And finally, the words written on this web site come from
the teachings of my Elders and my Mohegan family.
You will not find words here taken from books that were
written by non natives, who do not know, nor have the
right to speak with authority about my people.