2 Chronicles 7:14 Commentaries:

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

(A train wreck is a type of disaster)

Before the 1st and 2nd world wars America was an isolationist Country!

After the 2nd world war this country became the ‘Greatest Nation in the World, not so much as with power but with kindness, understanding and a helping hand!

There is only one honest way to get this ‘train wreck of a country’ back on track’!

 (Train wrecks often occur as a result of miscommunication)!

Republicans have been stacking the lower courts for about (39), years, 36 since McConnell joined the senate!

By stacking the lower courts and pushing the House of Representatives, the democrats and presidents into a corner, he has his puppet in your oval office and the trump republicans under his thump while stacking the Supreme Court!

trump republicans, with or without trump will now be able to control this ‘Train Wreck for many years!

Starting in 2021 (We the people can start our way climbing back to being the ‘Greatest Nation in the World!

Today this country cannot go back to isolationism because the Communist countries will eat us up!

We also cannot allow the McConnell’s of the world turn this country into a ‘One Party System’ with him at the throttle!

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