2 Chronicles 7:14 Commentaries:

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Do we fight to win or fight to lose?


History of Germany during World War I

During World War I, the German Empire fought the Allies the war did not end until the enemy was defeated!


The history of the 2nd world war was the Axis countries fought in World War II against the world (Allies Countries)!

That war also did not end until the enemy was defeated! 


The korean war we fought to the 38th parallel line boundary and got spanked all the way home and we are still getting spanked today!


The Vietnam War and every war since we just walked away half way through each war and look what is happening with the COVIN 19 War!


We are now at war with a (Pandemic), do we all fight to win or do we lose this which might end up be our last war?


Do we fight to win or fight to lose?

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